
Mir Ankh

المؤلف: عمرو أبو الحسن المنشد
الناشر: فصحى للنشر والتوزيع
الفئة: أدب , روايات , مترجمات
ISBN: 978-977-866761-1-2
تاريخ النشر: 2024
الوصف: " The novel ""Mir Ankh"" (The mysteries of the engraver from Akhenaten's era). What are the secrets of that young engraver who was influenced by the philosophy of King Akhenaten and believed in his doctrine, and then soon became one of his staunchest opponents and participants in the revolution against him and his regime? Why did Mir Ankh leave the temples of Amun in the capital, Thebes? What were the difficulties that he and his companions faced in the new capital of the Egyptian Empire (Akhet Aten)? How did the new Atonian doctrine affect the art of architecture, engraving, and painting in Akhet Aten? Why did he choose to write down in person the injustice and persecution he was subjected to at the hands of the Aten priests and the experts of the Aten temples? "
السعر: 1.99$

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